A#nbsp;high living standard, a#nbsp;stable economy, good salaries, job opportunities, access to#nbsp;the international labor market and a#nbsp;hospitable climate are just some factors that make employment in#nbsp;Slovenia attractive for foreigners.
The country offers good career and development opportunities in#nbsp;high technology, IT#nbsp;and manufacturing, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;in#nbsp;applied jobs such as#nbsp;bricklayers, drivers and welders. As#nbsp;in#nbsp;other European countries, most employers offer their workers various training and development programs to#nbsp;acquire new skills and improve their qualifications. Moreover, many large companies have subsidiaries in#nbsp;Slovenia, so#nbsp;you’ll be#nbsp;able to#nbsp;work in#nbsp;an#nbsp;international environment.
According to#nbsp;the law, to#nbsp;employ a#nbsp;foreigner, employers must submit an#nbsp;application to#nbsp;the labor exchange and within 8 days receive a#nbsp;notification if#nbsp;the requested worker is#nbsp;found.
The foreigner must prove that he#nbsp;or#nbsp;she is#nbsp;suitable for the vacancy: provide a#nbsp;diploma with relevant qualifications, a#nbsp;labor book with work experience in#nbsp;the required field, and an#nbsp;advanced training certificate.
Employment and getting a#nbsp;residence permit in#nbsp;Slovenia
The employer is#nbsp;responsible for getting a#nbsp;work permit. When you have it, a#nbsp;residence permit can be#nbsp;applied for. The list of#nbsp;necessary documents includes:
Criminal record absence certificate from the residence country not older than 30 days.
EU#nbsp;Medical insurance for 3 months.
Filled application form.
Payment of#nbsp;consular fee.
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