The Slovenian alphabet has 25 letters that are pronounced the same way they are spelled.
Despite their love for their roots, almost every Slovenian speaks English, German or#nbsp;Italian, so#nbsp;without knowing the local language you will be#nbsp;able to#nbsp;communicate with the passers-by or#nbsp;in a#nbsp;store.
There are many ways to#nbsp;learn a#nbsp;language in#nbsp;Slovenia: take private lessons from a#nbsp;native speaker, use self-study books or#nbsp;enroll in#nbsp;language courses. Every university and many private schools offer paid courses, and the Slovenian government adopted the ZIP program for the initial integration of#nbsp;immigrants. This is#nbsp;a#nbsp;free course to#nbsp;learn the Slovenian language, history and culture of#nbsp;the country.
The courses are available to#nbsp;anyone with a#nbsp;national residence permit or#nbsp;a#nbsp;permanent residence permit:
With the first residence permit a#nbsp;language course of#nbsp;60 hours is#nbsp;available.
After renewal, 120 more hours of#nbsp;language study and 30 hours of#nbsp;introduction to#nbsp;Slovenian history and culture are available.
If#nbsp;you decide not to#nbsp;take the course in#nbsp;the first year, after the renewal of#nbsp;your residence permit a#nbsp;program of#nbsp;180 hours of#nbsp;language study and 30 hours of#nbsp;Slovenian history and culture will be#nbsp;available.
A#nbsp;free Slovenian language proficiency test is#nbsp;available at#nbsp;the end of#nbsp;the course with an#nbsp;attendance rate above 80%.
How to#nbsp;enroll in#nbsp;free programs
You can enroll in#nbsp;free Slovenian language programs at#nbsp;the administrative office (Upravna enota). To#nbsp;do#nbsp;so, you must first obtain a#nbsp;certificate that confirms that you are eligible for the program.
It#nbsp;costs €#nbsp;22.6 and includes:
Certificate of#nbsp;meeting the conditions for participation in#nbsp;the Slovenian language program.
Request to#nbsp;pass the Slovenian language examination.
Certificate of#nbsp;fulfillment of#nbsp;the conditions for participation in#nbsp;the Slovenian history, culture and constitutional system program.
These certificates must be#nbsp;submitted to#nbsp;the chosen educational institution. The ZIP program is#nbsp;free of#nbsp;charge, but you must cover the cost of#nbsp;the study materials.
You will not be able to participate in the free Slovenian language study program if:
You are enrolled in#nbsp;or#nbsp;completed studies at#nbsp;an#nbsp;educational institution in#nbsp;the Republic of#nbsp;Slovenia.
You have already received a#nbsp;certificate of#nbsp;passing the Slovenian language exam.
In#nbsp;such a#nbsp;case, you can enroll in#nbsp;one of#nbsp;the language centers that offer even tourist trips and camps.
You can use the mobile application for smartphone «Slovar». With its help you can easily add vocabulary of#nbsp;the Slovenian language up#nbsp;to#nbsp;the C2 level, learn and practice spelling words. You can find more information on#nbsp;our Facebook page.
Want to#nbsp;learn Slovenian? You can leave a#nbsp;request and we’ll select institutions and study mode, which fit your needs