Useful articles about Slovenia

General information

About Slovenia
Slovenia is#nbsp;located in#nbsp;Central Europe in#nbsp;the northwest of#nbsp;the Balkan Peninsula. It#nbsp;borders Italy to#nbsp;the West, Austria to#nbsp;the North, Hungary to#nbsp;the North-East, and Croatia to#nbsp;the South and East. The country lies at#nbsp;the crossroads of#nbsp;the Alps, the Mediterranean Sea, the Pannonian Plain and the Dinaric Highlands. More than half of#nbsp;its territory is#nbsp;covered with forests. The country has beautiful mountains, ski resorts, lakes, thermal springs, its own coastline and historical architecture. According to#nbsp;the Global Peace Index and World Risk Index, Slovenia is#nbsp;one of#nbsp;the safest and most peaceful countries with a#nbsp;high life quality.
The population of#nbsp;Slovenia is#nbsp;more than 2 million people. More than 90% of#nbsp;them are Slovenes, with the remaining 10% divided among Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Hungarians, Albanians, Macedonians, Montenegrins, and Italians.

Slovenia is#nbsp;a#nbsp;member of#nbsp;the United Nations, the European Union, the Council of#nbsp;Europe and NATO. Also, it#nbsp;is a#nbsp;member of#nbsp;the Schengen Agreement.
Language: Slovenian, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;Italian and Hungarian in#nbsp;ethnically mixed regions.
Currency: euro.
Political system: a#nbsp;democratic republic, based on#nbsp;the separation of#nbsp;powers into legislative, executive and judicial branches. The highest legislative body is#nbsp;the National Assembly.
Area of#nbsp;the country: 20,271#nbsp;km².
Length of#nbsp;land border: 1322 km: 318#nbsp;km with Austria, 232#nbsp;km with Italy, 100#nbsp;km with Hungary and 672#nbsp;km with Croatia.
Length of#nbsp;coastline: 47#nbsp;km.
Slovenia actively invests in#nbsp;educational and research activities, start-ups and manufacturing. Slovenia’s economy is#nbsp;developed and includes various sectors: trade, tourism, manufacturing, agriculture, forestry. The country mines and stores industrial reserves of#nbsp;brown coal, lead-zinc and uranium ores, mercury and silver. The Slovenian economy is#nbsp;strong due to#nbsp;its geographical location, which provides opportunities for trade and business relations with other countries.

Main branches of#nbsp;Slovenia’s economy

  • Trade. Its geographical position makes the country part of#nbsp;the European business community.
  • Manufacturing. Local people manufacture cars, electrical equipment, metal products, food products, textiles and leather goods.
  • Service sector. Developed tourism, entertainment and restaurant sector, finances, banking, insurance, information technology and telecommunications.
  • Innovation. A#nbsp;developed culture of#nbsp;start-ups and research in#nbsp;biotechnology, industry and information technology.
  • Transportation and logistics. Slovenia is#nbsp;an#nbsp;important transit point.
  • Agriculture. Local people raise fish and livestock, produce butter, cheese, and wine, grow lavender, fruits and vegetables.

Slovenia is#nbsp;an#nbsp;attractive place for life, tourism and business due to#nbsp;its developed economy, rich nature, cultural and historical heritage and affordable education.

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