A#nbsp;personal car in#nbsp;Slovenia is#nbsp;a#nbsp;very popular and convenient transport. It#nbsp;is#nbsp;especially comfortable to#nbsp;travel by#nbsp;car: it#nbsp;takes just one hour to#nbsp;get to#nbsp;the sea coast and ski slopes from the city.
The highway network covers almost entire Slovenia quite densely. Detailed information on#nbsp;the traffic rules on#nbsp;different road sections, routes and restrictions is#nbsp;available on#nbsp;the website#nbsp;— www.dars.si/.
Basic traffic regulations in Slovenia
Traffic rules in#nbsp;Slovenia don’t differ much from traffic rules in#nbsp;other countries. Here it#nbsp;is#nbsp;also necessary to#nbsp;use seat belts and dipped headlights even during daylight hours, have winter tires or#nbsp;snow chains from November 15 to#nbsp;March 15, turn off fog lights only in#nbsp;the limited visibility and near the emergency stop sign. You must also have a#nbsp;set of#nbsp;spare lamps, a#nbsp;first aid kit, and a#nbsp;reflective vest.
The maximum allowable blood alcohol level for a#nbsp;driver with over two years of#nbsp;driving experience is#nbsp;0.5 ppm, it’s similar to#nbsp;a#nbsp;glass of#nbsp;wine or#nbsp;beer.
Slovenia has a#nbsp;well-developed system of#nbsp;bicycle lanes, there are more cyclists than motorists. So, be#nbsp;careful when making right turns and driving in#nbsp;the city.
Speed limits on#nbsp;the roads:
Populated areas#nbsp;— 50 km/h.
Outside populated areas#nbsp;— 90 km/h.
Highways and routes#nbsp;— 110 km/h.
High-speed central roads#nbsp;— 130 km/h.
Driver’s license replacement
During the first year in#nbsp;Slovenia, you can use any international driver’s license. After a#nbsp;year in#nbsp;the country, you must obtain a#nbsp;national driving license.
To#nbsp;get a#nbsp;license, you need a#nbsp;medical examination certificate (it#nbsp;costs about €#nbsp;70 and is#nbsp;valid for 12 months). Also, you must pass two exams: theory and practice. The practice includes driving in#nbsp;the city and on#nbsp;the court.
If#nbsp;you already have a#nbsp;driver’s license from another country, it#nbsp;is#nbsp;still necessary to#nbsp;take a#nbsp;few lessons at#nbsp;a#nbsp;driving school to#nbsp;learn driving in#nbsp;the new country.
The procedure of#nbsp;obtaining a#nbsp;Slovenian driver’s license includes the following steps:
Get a#nbsp;referral to#nbsp;a#nbsp;driving course from the Upravna enota (driving license office).
Take a#nbsp;medical examination.
Take lessons at#nbsp;a#nbsp;driving school.
Take a#nbsp;driving test.
Submit the driving test results and submit the old license to#nbsp;Upravna enota.
Attention: the license contains information about your registration address in#nbsp;Slovenia. If#nbsp;you change your registration, your license must be#nbsp;re-issued. Otherwise, you will be#nbsp;fined by#nbsp;the inspection.
Car purchase and registration
It#nbsp;is#nbsp;easy and quick to#nbsp;register a#nbsp;car bought in#nbsp;Slovenia because everything is#nbsp;done in#nbsp;the same place. The second registration of#nbsp;a#nbsp;car imported from another country is#nbsp;a#nbsp;bit more complicated, it#nbsp;takes about 20 days. But it#nbsp;is a#nbsp;must-do, because you can drive with foreign license plates and a#nbsp;Slovenian residence permit for one month only.
If#nbsp;you have a#nbsp;residence permit in#nbsp;Slovenia, you can buy a#nbsp;car and register for yourself or#nbsp;your company. Each option has some peculiarities:
When registering as#nbsp;a#nbsp;natural person: the car can be#nbsp;registered only if#nbsp;the residence permit is#nbsp;valid. The car is#nbsp;automatically de-registered 3 weeks after the residence permit has expired. If#nbsp;you don’t extend your residence permit within this period, the car registration procedure must be#nbsp;repeated.
When registering with a#nbsp;legal entity: additional accounting. Each trip requires filling out trip sheets. Otherwise, the list of#nbsp;the company’s activities must include "car rent", then you will rent the car yourself. Moreover, for companies the insurance is#nbsp;more expensive.
The cost of#nbsp;registering a#nbsp;car includes the annual fee, passing the technical inspection, license plate number registration and production of#nbsp;prometno dovoljenje#nbsp;— equivalent of#nbsp;our driving license, without which you cannot drive a#nbsp;car. Registration cost can be#nbsp;calculated on#nbsp;this website.
Making a#nbsp;driver’s license plate costs about €#nbsp;150.
Car insurance costs from €#nbsp;200 to €#nbsp;500. It#nbsp;depends on#nbsp;the car type, its power, the number of#nbsp;drivers and their history.
Insurance companies in#nbsp;Slovenia:
Adriatic Slovenica zavarovalna zavarovalna družba d.d.
Generali zavarovalnica d.d.
Merkur zavarovalnica d.d.
Zavarovalnica Maribor d.d.
Zavarovalnica Tilia d.d.
Zavarovalnica Triglav d.d.
Grawe zavarovalnica d.d.
Want to#nbsp;buy a#nbsp;European-made car? You can leave a#nbsp;request and we’ll help you choose, check, register a#nbsp;car and replace your driver’s license.