Useful articles about Slovenia

Universities and colleges in Slovenia

Education in Slovenia
Slovenia’s capital Ljubljana is#nbsp;a#nbsp;real student city. More than 20% of#nbsp;the city’s residents are studying right now. The European quality of#nbsp;education allows everyone to#nbsp;obtain high qualifications, which provides access to#nbsp;the international labor market. Also, Slovenian educational institutions participate in#nbsp;the international student exchange program Erasmus, which gives a#nbsp;chance to#nbsp;live in#nbsp;different countries while studying.
Higher education in#nbsp;Slovenia is#nbsp;divided into three levels:
  • Bachelor’s degree#nbsp;— lasts from 2 to#nbsp;4 years.
  • Master’s degree#nbsp;— lasts 2 years.
  • Doctoral studies#nbsp;— lasts about 3 years.
Some programs are available in#nbsp;English. There are no#nbsp;entrance exams for colleges and universities. You can apply for admission twice a#nbsp;year: from February to#nbsp;April and from August to#nbsp;September.

Algorithm for enrolling in#nbsp;an#nbsp;educational institution of#nbsp;Slovenia:

  • Select a#nbsp;university and specialty.
  • Prepare documents (certificate or#nbsp;diploma, language certificate, motivation letter and CV) and submit an#nbsp;application.
  • Take the competitive selection process#nbsp;— testing and interviews.

Students in#nbsp;Slovenia have a#nbsp;large number of#nbsp;benefits. For example, an#nbsp;unlimited annual pass for public transportation costs €#nbsp;100 versus €#nbsp;365−630, and meals in#nbsp;establishments start from €#nbsp;5 for a#nbsp;full lunch. Students can attend sports clubs, museums and language clubs for free or#nbsp;at a#nbsp;discount.

Universities in#nbsp;Slovenia

University of#nbsp;Ljubljana is#nbsp;the largest and most prestigious university in#nbsp;Slovenia, ranked among the top 3% of#nbsp;universities in#nbsp;the world. It#nbsp;was founded in#nbsp;1919 and offers more than 150 study programs, for example at#nbsp;the faculties of#nbsp;law, economics and medicine.

University of#nbsp;Maribor is#nbsp;the second largest university in#nbsp;Slovenia. It#nbsp;was founded in#nbsp;1975 and offers more than 100 study programs, for example at#nbsp;the faculties of#nbsp;management and computer science.

University of#nbsp;Primorska is#nbsp;part of#nbsp;the European University Union, member of#nbsp;the European Network of#nbsp;Innovative Higher Education Institutions (ENIHEI). It#nbsp;offers 79 study programs, organizes 5 to#nbsp;10 international summer schools annually, holds conferences and various forums.

University of#nbsp;Nova Gorica is#nbsp;the youngest university in#nbsp;Slovenia, founded in#nbsp;2005. It#nbsp;specializes in#nbsp;scientific research and technological innovation and offers study programs in#nbsp;physics, mathematics, computer science, and other exact disciplines.

University of#nbsp;Natural Sciences and Technology of#nbsp;Slovenia specializes in#nbsp;research in#nbsp;natural sciences and technology. Founded in#nbsp;1960 and offers degree programs in#nbsp;biology, chemistry, physics, and other scientific disciplines.

IEDC-Bled Management School is#nbsp;the first business school in#nbsp;Central and Eastern Europe, founded in#nbsp;1986. It#nbsp;is#nbsp;now one of#nbsp;the leading international management development institutes in#nbsp;Europe. It#nbsp;uses a#nbsp;proprietary and innovative approach to#nbsp;leadership development.


There are private vocational colleges in#nbsp;Slovenia. Each has its own specifics and teaches applied skills. For example, there is#nbsp;the Slovenian Institute of#nbsp;Quality and Metrology (SIQ), BIC LJUBLJANA Educational Center and B&B Vocational College.
Training at#nbsp;the colleges lasts from 2 to#nbsp;4 years and provides not only general but also professional knowledge and competencies in#nbsp;the fields of#nbsp;marketing, veterinary practice, food technology and nutrition, biotechnology, nature conservation, hospitality and tourism.
To#nbsp;enroll in#nbsp;college in#nbsp;Slovenia, international students must have a#nbsp;high school diploma and successfully complete exams in#nbsp;the language used to#nbsp;teach in#nbsp;the chosen program. Some colleges may require additional tests or#nbsp;interviews.

Vocational courses

For those who want to#nbsp;gain an#nbsp;applied skill faster, there is#nbsp;a#nbsp;wide range of#nbsp;courses in#nbsp;Slovenia.
For example:
  • Culinary courses, where pastry chefs, cooks and technologists are trained.
  • Boatmaster courses, where captains of#nbsp;boats up#nbsp;to#nbsp;24 meters in#nbsp;length (for sports, entertainment and so#nbsp;on) are trained. After passing the courses, a#nbsp;qualification certificate for the title of#nbsp;bosun is#nbsp;issued, it#nbsp;has international validity.
  • Paragliding courses, where you can learn to#nbsp;fly a#nbsp;paraglider for personal use or#nbsp;as#nbsp;an instructor. You will study the equipment, learn how to#nbsp;prepare the equipment and control the paraglider in#nbsp;the air.
  • Courses in#nbsp;tennis, golf or#nbsp;another sport with a#nbsp;diploma from a#nbsp;sports school. You will not only be#nbsp;able to#nbsp;hone your skills, but also start teaching others. At#nbsp;the schools, lessons are taught by#nbsp;coaches who are national and international champions, so#nbsp;you will learn from real professionals.

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