Useful articles about Slovenia

Utilities, mobile communication and internet services

Life in Slovenia
The utilities cost in#nbsp;Slovenia is#nbsp;higher than in#nbsp;other European countries due to#nbsp;the high heating cost. On#nbsp;average, in#nbsp;summer you pay about €#nbsp;130 per month for the maintenance of#nbsp;a#nbsp;one-bedroom apartment in#nbsp;Ljubljana. In#nbsp;winter, the bills can go#nbsp;up#nbsp;to €#nbsp;500.

Types of#nbsp;utilities and pricing

Estimated cost per month:
House maintenance bill
  • €#nbsp;50#nbsp;— an#nbsp;old apartment building.
  • €#nbsp;100#nbsp;— a#nbsp;new and small apartment building.
  • €#nbsp;25.
Water supply
  • €#nbsp;15.
Heating, hot water, gas
  • €#nbsp;20#nbsp;— in#nbsp;summer.
  • €#nbsp;200#nbsp;— in#nbsp;winter.
Waste disposal
  • €#nbsp;15.
Antenna or#nbsp;radio
  • €#nbsp;13.

Management Company

Each apartment building in#nbsp;Slovenia has a#nbsp;management company. It#nbsp;deals with the cleaning, repairing and gardening works in#nbsp;the neighbourhood and solving other problems of#nbsp;the building.


The heating season starts when the temperature at#nbsp;21:00 for three consecutive days is#nbsp;below or#nbsp;equal to#nbsp;12#nbsp;°C and ends when it#nbsp;is#nbsp;above 12#nbsp;°C. Houses are usually heated from October to#nbsp;April.
To#nbsp;ensure that the winter bills don’t differ much from summer ones, pay attention to#nbsp;the house heating system when choosing a#nbsp;property. The cheapest fuel is#nbsp;natural gas. Wood and electricity are more expensive, and fuel oil is#nbsp;the most expensive.
Usually in#nbsp;apartment buildings gas is#nbsp;used, and in#nbsp;private houses, a#nbsp;combined system is#nbsp;used (for example, one can combine wood in#nbsp;the fireplace and heat pump on#nbsp;electricity). In#nbsp;new buildings you can regulate the room temperature and manually influence the bill’s amount.

Mobile communication and internet

Internet service providers have ready-made packages that include internet, telephony and access to#nbsp;a#nbsp;large number of#nbsp;TV channels. Such a#nbsp;package usually costs about €#nbsp;30 per month, but there are some limitations. Not all areas are covered by#nbsp;fiber-optic connection yet, and in#nbsp;some areas there aren’t any free cable lines for connection.
In that case, there are three options:
  • Wait for new lines to be stretched.
  • Wait for any line to become available.
  • Use a wireless connection with a receiving antenna from the Telemach operator.
The main internet service providers in#nbsp;Slovenia are:
Mobile communication service in#nbsp;the country has very good coverage, incoming calls in#nbsp;Slovenia are free. If#nbsp;you open a#nbsp;business here, you can sign a#nbsp;contract with a#nbsp;telecom operator: usually they offer more favorable tariffs for legal entities.
The main mobile operators in#nbsp;Slovenia are:
  • Mobitel#nbsp;— 99.7% coverage.
  • Simobile#nbsp;— 99.6% coverage.
  • Tusmobile#nbsp;— 97.9% coverage.

Looking for accommodation in#nbsp;Slovenia?
You can leave a#nbsp;request and we’ll let you know the districts with houses connected to#nbsp;low-cost heating system and high-speed internet