Slovenia is#nbsp;a#nbsp;small but economically developed country that is#nbsp;perfect for small and medium-sized businesses. Business immigration is#nbsp;divided into two stages:
Company registration in#nbsp;Slovenia.
Employment and getting a#nbsp;residence permit in#nbsp;Slovenia.
There are three ways of#nbsp;registering a#nbsp;company: applying online, visiting the SPOT Center, registering at#nbsp;the notary’s office.
Employment and getting a#nbsp;residence permit in#nbsp;Slovenia
When the company registration is#nbsp;confirmed, a#nbsp;work permit can be#nbsp;applied for. To#nbsp;do#nbsp;this, you must fulfill one of#nbsp;the following conditions:
Invest €#nbsp;50,000 in#nbsp;the company#nbsp;— this money can be#nbsp;used to#nbsp;buy equipment, a#nbsp;vehicle or#nbsp;real estate for running the business.
Employ a#nbsp;worker with a#nbsp;work permit in#nbsp;Slovenia for at#nbsp;least 6 months.
Show a#nbsp;company turnover of €#nbsp;60,000 in#nbsp;the last 6 months.
Have a#nbsp;higher education diploma.
When the work permit in#nbsp;Slovenia is#nbsp;ready, a#nbsp;residence permit can be#nbsp;applied for. The list of#nbsp;necessary documents includes:
Criminal record absence certificate from the residence country not older than 30 days.
EU#nbsp;Medical insurance for 3 months.
Filled application form.
Employment contract.
Consular fee payment.
If#nbsp;the company has a#nbsp;small income, after a#nbsp;year of#nbsp;living in#nbsp;Slovenia, a#nbsp;sole proprietorship can be#nbsp;registered#nbsp;— here it#nbsp;is#nbsp;called s.p. It#nbsp;can optimize your taxes and make your business easier.
Want to#nbsp;launch your own business in#nbsp;Slovenia? You can leave a#nbsp;request and we’ll help you deal with the paperwork and taxation